

The Bahá’í Administrative Order

Articles and Resources

A selection of readings, essays, and resource materials on the subject of the Bahá’í Administrative Order.

Selected Readings on Bahá’í Administration

From the Will and Testament of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

In His Will and Testament, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá provided further details about the operation of the Universal House of Justice, ordained by Bahá’u’lláh, and stated that after His own passing, the Bahá’ís must turn to His eldest grandson, Shoghi
Effendi, whom He named Guardian of the Bahá’í Faith.

From The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh

In this letter, dated 8 February 1934, and published as “The Dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh”, Shoghi Effendi explains how the administrative order will, as it begins to function with efficiency and vigour, come to be understood as the nucleus and
pattern of a new world order.

The Constitution of the Universal House of Justice

The constitution of the Universal House of Justice was drafted soon after the body was first elected in 1963 and was completed and signed in 1972.

The Institution of the Counsellors

This document, prepared by the Universal House of Justice, describes the Institution of the Counsellors and explains some specific aspects of its functioning.

Regional Bahá’í Councils

This document, which outlines the functions and purposes of Regional Bahá’í Councils, was enclosed with a letter dated 30 May 1997 to all National Spiritual Assemblies.

Individual Rights and Freedoms

This letter of the Universal House of Justice to the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in the United States examines the Bahá’í teachings on the subject of individual liberties and responsibilities.

Letter to the Bahá’í community in Iran

Dated 2 March 2013, this letter of the Universal House of Justice addresses various themes related to involvement in the life of society and politics.


Consultation and the Protection of Diversity

The Bahá’í administrative order has been described by the Guardian “not only as the nucleus but the very pattern of the New World Order.” Within it, the Bahá’í International Community states, encouragement of diversity of opinion has important implications in the realms of both belief and action.

Further Reading

Bibliography of Recommended Reading

A list of further reading on this subject is available here.